What are the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy?
A specific room or tiny chamber is used for Hyperbaricoxygen Therapy (HBOT) , which entails breathing practically pure oxygen. Although its primary usage is to cure illnesses brought on by diving, it may also help people with a variety of other disorders heal faster. Benefits Divers in danger of developing decompression disease are those who surface too soon (DCI). It takes place when air bubbles develop and grow inside the body. Decompression illness (DCI), sometimes known as "the bends," an air gas embolism, or both are referred to by this name. These illnesses can quickly become life-threatening if untreated. DCI treatment options include: The pressure, or "depth," at which the person was diving is restored with HBOT. The body's volume of bubbles is then reduced through progressive decompression. Other approved us...