What are the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy?
A specific room or tiny chamber is used for Hyperbaricoxygen Therapy (HBOT), which entails breathing practically pure oxygen.
Although its primary usage is to cure illnesses brought on
by diving, it may also help people with a variety of other disorders heal
Divers in danger of developing decompression disease are
those who surface too soon (DCI). It takes place when air bubbles develop and
grow inside the body. Decompression illness (DCI), sometimes known as "the
bends," an air gas embolism, or both are referred to by this name.
These illnesses can quickly become life-threatening if
untreated. DCI treatment options include:
The pressure, or "depth," at which the person was
diving is restored with HBOT. The body's volume of bubbles is then reduced
through progressive decompression.
Other approved uses
There is proof that these applications are both secure and
efficient. HBOT treatment that has received FDA approval is typically covered
by insurance companies or Medicare.
HBOT may also be used by some medical professionals to treat
other problems, such as a specific kind of hearing loss.
Additionally, HBOT may be effective on infections and wounds
that have not responded to other forms of treatment. For those who have
diabetic foot ulcers, for instance, it might lessen the need for an amputation.
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Unapproved uses
HBOT is now being provided as an alternative therapy by an
increasing number of physicians. Some people refer to it as a "wonder
cure" and assert that it can treat a variety of ailments.
HBOT chambers are becoming more common in a range of
settings, including spas and the outpatient areas of hospitals. Even chambers
for use at home are available.
Only authorized purposes for HBOT administration should
be used. Without it, a person runs the danger of wasting time and money and
suffering negative results.
The FDA has cautioned that administering HBOT for unapproved
uses risked making the condition worse.
HBOT might end up being useful in more situations. But it
pays to exercise caution, just like with other healthcare options.
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